SDG 6:
Clean water & sanitation


How is it related?
Plastic pollution contaminates water bodies, becoming toxic for those who use the water for daily activities
E.g. despite being dangerous to health, 28 million people rely on the Citarum River, Indonesia—one of the world's most polluted river—for daily activities such as bathing, cleaning and irrigating

14-year-old with scabies, a common consequence of living near the severely polluted river

The quality of water can be improved by:
Promoting good hygiene practices/habits through education
Implementing rainwater harvesting systems to collect/store rainwater for drinking or recharging underground aquifers
Providing home water-treatment capability through the use of filters, disinfection, etc.

Any trash that is dropped can eventually reach a drainageway
Bad sanitation and clean water is often in poor countries and at countries with bad health-care
Less trash means that people can have access to cleaner water, and will be able to manage sanitation effectively
Dirty water can lead to illnesses and diseases, which can lead to an outbreak in smaller communities which don’t have access to clean water
The trash we litter spreads harmful viruses, diseases and bacteria into the environment which has the ability to cause multiple health problems
Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to the transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio
Poor water sanitation can lead to children dying early on, and in some cases, unable to reach the age of 5
Illness can give the individual person economic debts because there's a lack of free healthcare in small communities and poor countries.